Year 1 Science

Year 1 have been learning about the Seasons in our Science lessons. We looked at ways to evidence the time of year including temperature and measuring the amount of rainfall. 

In Geography, the children have enjoyed learning about the United Kingdom. Today’s focus was Scotland. We looked at maps and talked about what Scotland is famous for…you may want to ask your child what they remembered about our lesson. 

Fantastic work, Year 1!

Super Speed Stacking!

This week the children were able to try speed stacking (or sport stacking). We think that many of you may have been asked to add a set of cups to a few Christmas present lists! So we thought you might like to see some photos of the children stacking.

Stacking is an individual and team sport that involves stacking 9 or 12 specially designed cups in sequences as quickly as possible. Sequences are usually pyramids and the stacking takes place against the clock. It was first played in the 1980’s and is very popular in countries such as America and South Korea.

Explanation Texts

This half term, the children have been learning all about explanation texts. They then researched an animal that is either extinct or may be in danger of becoming extinct, then after learning all about the features of this style of writing, wrote an explanation text of their own. Some children had time to type their work using the Chrome Books. We thought it would be lovely to share these with you.

Ancient Greek Workshop

Years 3 and 4 enjoyed a workshop about the Ancient Greeks yesterday. Children took part in a number of activities throughout the day. They started with re-creating battle formations and tactics, learnt about city-state management, wrote like a Greek scribe and finished the day playing Ancient Greek games.

All of the children said that they had a wonderful day and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Ancient Greeks!

Huge thanks to The Classical Association, who kindly gave us a grant to run this workshop.

Year 2 Trip to Amazona Zoo

Year 2 had a brilliant day at Amazona Zoo! We saw lots of rainforest animals like tapir, capybara, a jaguar, parrots, an anaconda and cute little marmosets. We got to see the tapirs being fed at lunchtime and had a talk about them. We learnt that baby tapirs have spotty fur to use as camouflage, this helps them to hide from predators.We had so much fun! Please take a look at the photos from our day.

Year 4 Real Gym Sessions

This term during our Real Gym sessions we have been concentrating on balance. The children have embraced every challenge and everyone managed to complete a ‘trickiest’ balance. We thought they were so amazing that we needed to share these with you.

Year 1 Walk

Year 1 enjoyed their walk to Broadland High School today. They were very well behaved and learned alot from the keeping safe on the internet session.