Year 3 had a wonderful time at Flag Fen

We explored artifacts from the stone age, bronze age and iron age. We got to find out more about what life might have been like during this time before listening to stories in the roundhouse. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Year 2’s Residential to Kingswood

Year 2 visited the Kingswood Centre in West Runton for their one night residential trip. The children were able to take part in activities such as abseiling, rock climbing, bouldering (sideways wall climbing), laser games and low rope (trust and team building) activities. They also sang around a campfire whilst drinking hot chocolate and eating marshmallows. The children had an incredible time and many were proud of their achievements. Some conquered their fear of heights, or tried some new food, whilst others were proud to be away from home for the very first time.

Key Stage 1 Multiskills Festival

The children of Year 2 had a great morning participating in the cluster multiskills festival. Children from all the cluster schools took part and had a really fun morning, despite the cold and damp weather. Many thanks to the students from Broadland High School for running each activity and thanks also to Miss Sewell for arranging the event.