Year 3’s Gingerbread man design

Congratulations to Jake Tatham for the winning gingerbread man design. Year 3 have brought the design to life and we hope you spot ‘Neil Armstrong’ on the Gingerbread Go! trail.

Rainbow man for Gingerbread Go! trail

After hundreds of thumb prints, Year 2 would like to introduce you to Rainbow Man as designed by George! As you can imagine we are very proud of our gingerbread man and hope you look out for him as part of the Gingerbread Go! trail this weekend.

Year 2’s Superhero Creation

Year 2 have been really busy creating a new superhero, ‘Rainbow Man’ as designed by George. His colourful costume has been produced by hundreds and hundreds of thumb prints. If you wish to see the finished gingerbread man then he will be on display as part of the Gingerbread Go! trail.

Oi Frog

We have been reading Oi Frog by Kes Gray in our guided reading sessions. This book is an hilarious rhyming story about a frog who doesn’t want to sit on a log. A cat then describes all the things animals have to sit on such as ‘lions sit on irons’. The children had to come up with their own animals and rhyming things that they may sit on. My personal favourites were puffins sit on muffins and pandas sit on sun loungers!

Reception Gingerbread House Making

Today we made the parts for our gingerbread houses ready for the Winter Wonderland event and our Gingerbread Village.  We followed a recipe and measured all the ingredients; it was lots of fun and very messy!. Thank you to all the Mums, Dads, Nannys and Grandads that came to help, it was very much appreciated. I don’t know who had more fun…the adults or the children! We look forward to seeing your creations soon.