Time and Weight

In Year 2 we have been learning all about weight, in particular grams and kilograms. The children used the chrome books to practice reading scales using a game called ‘Mostly Postie’.The children were able to follow a flap jack recipe, measuring ingredients and more importantly, they got to eat them! Another group were learning all about seconds and had to complete a range of activities in either 15 or 30 seconds and record what they had achieved. Activities included, counting, writing the alphabet and building towers of cubes.

Making Rivers

In Year 2 as part of our Geography topic we have been looking at physical features with regards to our environment. Last week we created mountains, this week we concentrated on rivers. The children used sticks for the river banks and made a river bed using sand and grit. We then poured ‘rain’ down the river and watched what happened. The children noticed that sand and grit travelled with the water and that the water made a natural path down the river bed. The children also related this activity to the water cycle and what an important part mountains play within this cycle.

Making Mountains

Year 2 are studying many physical aspect of Geography. This week we have been looking at mountains. We have studied their locations, shapes and how they look. The children chose a mountain to replicate and by using various resources, created their own mountains and mountain ranges. The children thoroughly enjoyed the activity an having a chance to make a good old mess!