Year 4 & 2 Maths Investigation

Year 4 & 2 joined together to complete a maths investigation about perimeter. First the children had to think of ways of measuring around the hall without using any standard measurements. The children discovered that their measurements all differed. Then they were given a variety of standard units of measurement to use such as rulers, meter sticks and tape measures. The children noticed that although their measurements were similar they still differed due to a variety of factors. They all agreed that a trundle wheel would be the best option and they discovered that their measurements were accurate. We then asked the children to use the information they had about the perimeter to calculate the area of the hall. The groups were mixed year groups and they all had fun working together.

Year 3 Ultimate Frisbee

On Tuesday year 3 had a go at Ultimate Frisbee. We learnt how to throw the frisbee and played different games where we had to work as a team. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Year 3 Maths Café

Here are some pictures of the Maths Cafe. We had fun practicing counting in steps of 3 and solving problems using a bead string.

Reception Fun with Maths

Touch Counting

We had put objects in a row and touch each one to find the total.


We found sticks in the woods at school and have ordered them from biggest to smallest. We then played with them–jumping and using them as hockey sticks, jack-hammers and rakes.