Year 3 Indian Day Experience

On Wednesday 12th October Year 3 had an Indian Day experience. In the morning we cooked vegetable samosas, Divali sweets, tasted different fruits grown in India and made Divali lamps. In the afternoon we learnt about rangoli patterns and created some of our own. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

The Day the Crayons Quit

In guided reading we have been sharing The Day the Crayons quit. This is a story about how Duncan’s crayons do not want to colour anymore for various reasons such as- you don’t colour within the lines or you make me work too hard and each crayon writes a letter of complaint to Duncan.The following pictures are from our guided reading board where the children have made protest banners for the crayons.

Year 2 Drama

Year 2 have been reading John Patrick Norman Hennessey: The Boy who was always late and today we did some hot seating. The children pretended to be the teacher and the children questioned him about John’s behaviour. As you can see the children really got involved!