Year 3 Ultimate Frisbee

On Tuesday year 3 had a go at Ultimate Frisbee. We learnt how to throw the frisbee and played different games where we had to work as a team. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Year 3 Maths Café

Here are some pictures of the Maths Cafe. We had fun practicing counting in steps of 3 and solving problems using a bead string.

Year 3’s Gingerbread man design

Congratulations to Jake Tatham for the winning gingerbread man design. Year 3 have brought the design to life and we hope you spot ‘Neil Armstrong’ on the Gingerbread Go! trail.

Year 3 Indian Day Experience

On Wednesday 12th October Year 3 had an Indian Day experience. In the morning we cooked vegetable samosas, Divali sweets, tasted different fruits grown in India and made Divali lamps. In the afternoon we learnt about rangoli patterns and created some of our own. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.