Year 3 had a wonderful time at Flag Fen

We explored artifacts from the stone age, bronze age and iron age. We got to find out more about what life might have been like during this time before listening to stories in the roundhouse. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Year 3 Reading Challenge

In year 3 we have started a reading challenge that will be completed during the summer term. Each book your child reads will be worth a set number of points. The person with the most points at the end of the term will win a prize. After each book is read, in order to bank the points, a book review and synonym sheet needs to be completed for that book. Children can collect them daily from the classroom but I have also attached electronic copies here also.

Happy Reading!

Book review worksheet

Thesaurus challenge sheet

Year 3 Zumba

Year 3 took part in a Zumba workshop this morning. Here are some pictures and a video of the dance routine we practised.

Year 3 Light and Dark Workshop

Year 3 took part in an exciting Light and Dark workshop at The Puppet Theatre Norwich. We watched a shadow puppet show, explored refraction using glass prisms, investigated the properties of materials and how they affect light and finally created our own planetarium exploring shadows and light.

India Day in Year 3

We had a very exciting morning in Year 3 exploring different aspects of India. We made vegetable samosas, Indian sweets and tried fruits grown in India like papaya and pomegranate. We used clay to make Diva lamps and finally we created symmetrical artwork and patterns. Here are some photos of the fun we had.

Running into Autumn with GB Athlete Iona Lake

On Friday 22nd September year 3 got to meet GB athlete and 3000m Steeplechase British Champion Iona Lake. Iona discussed her training and the children then took part in cross country and running workshops led by Iona. Here are some pictures of the fun we had!