Karate Taster Session

On Thursday 23rd May all year groups got to experience a short Karate taster session. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Cricket Sessions

Years R, 1, 2 and 3 have been enjoying weekly cricket sessions with experienced cricket coach Mr Platt. We have been practicing our throwing and catching skills as well as out fielding and batting skills. Here are some pictures of the fun we have had.

World Book Day – 7th March 2019

Year 3 explored the text On the Origin of the Species. We explored how animals were suited to different habitats and how they are similar and different. We then created our own animals and gave them features to match different environments.

The Night Box

Year 3 and 4 had a wonderful time exploring The Night Box during our reading cafe on Tuesday 5th February. We created our own paintings of the night sky before exploring the personification, metaphors and similes used in the text. We then used these ideas to help us write our own to describe our own paintings. Here are some pictures of the fun we had.

Year 3 Science Day

Year 3 had a wonderful science day exploring light and dark. We explored creating shadows and discovered how light travels and how it can be changed. We also looked at materials that reflect light before creating our own shadow puppets and putting on a performance. Here are some of the memories from our day.

Year 3 RE Day

Year 3 had a wonderful time during RE Day. We made and tried vegetable samosas, coconut barfi and Indian mango cream. We also made and decorated our own Divali lamps and explored why these are important to Hindus. We finished the day learning about the Goddess Lakshmi and how rangoli patterns are used. We then created our own symmetrical patterns.

Year 3 Whitlingham Lake Trip

Year 3 had a wonderful time at Whitlingham Lake yesterday. We tried paddleboarding, sit on top kayaking and sailing. Here are the memories of our day.

Ultimate Frisbee Tournament

The children got to take part in an intra school Ultimate Frisbee tournament on Tuesday 26th June. The children competed in teams with Year 4. Here are some photos of the fun we had.

Year 3 plant raspberries

Year 3 had an interesting morning planting raspberries and finding out more about how plants grow and where our food comes from at Place UK. Here are some photos of the the fun we had.