Year 3 Stone Age Day

Music Assembly Photos

Today we had a musical treat courtesy of the Norfolk Music Hub, as part of their live music week. Five musicians came to deliver a special music assembly, where they talked about their instruments and played pieces of music from a piece composed by Henry VIII to Harry Potter and even Star Wars! The children really enjoyed this experience and the musicians were really impressed with how knowledgeable the children were about music. One child in Year 1 even knew what a tuba was! They were also impressed that all the children in school from Years 2-6 learn the recorder, keyboard and glockenspiel. If your child has been inspired and asks about learning to play an instrument, then please get in touch with Mrs Gittins via the school office email address, as she will be able to point you in the right direction.

Year 3 Snowsports Trip

Year 3 went to the Norfolk Snowsports Club today for taster session in skiing and tubing.  They all had a wonderful time!

Year 3 Volcanoes

Year 3 has been learning about Natural Disasters this term and today we created our own erupting volcanoes. We learnt about chemical reactions and how there can be many substances that when put together cause a reaction. It was really fun!

British Science Week in Year 3

Year 3 have been enjoying British Science Week and been learning about this year’s theme which is ‘Growth’.  We have also been continuing our learning about Rocks and Soils. We have learnt about the fossilisation process and made our own fossils.